What is Hypnotherapy?
It is NOT finding you cluck like a chicken when someone says "SHAZZAAM!"
Hypnotherapy utilises a "trance-like" state to help you focus your mind, become more deeply relaxed, and respond readily to suggestions.
Hypnotherapy guides you into trance, where visualisation and suggestions of behaviour changes are made. Hypnotherapy and practicing self-hypnosis can improve and strengthen new neural pathways directed at more positive solutions to life's challenges. Digging Up the Past
Some clients are anxious that they will have to relive past trauma, or may uncover a horrible truth that they would rather not know about. While sometimes Hypnotherapy sessions will look at events in the past, it is done from a safe and different perspective. This can help to resolve and make peace with uncomfortable feelings and patterns that may have emerged. While you may discover personal revelations of character and strength/weaknesses, our aim is not to relive trauma, nor is it to uncover and feel any trauma that has been forgotten. |
Going into a Trance
Hypnosis is very relaxing. Being in a trance is something you do regularly. When you "daydream", or visualise something (success and failure), or when you get to your destination and feel like you don't remember the details of the drive there... you are in a state of trance. In a state of trance you are much more open to therapeutic suggestion and unlike some misconceptions; YOU ARE ALWAYS IN COMPLETE CONTROL. You will not be asleep or unconscious. You will only accept suggestions that are agreeable to you. Trance is: Relaxing Easy Peaceful Safe Comfortable What Just Happened?
While many clients are amazed at the way hypnotherapy can very quickly change your attitude, belief or behaviour. You will remember everything that occurs during your hypnosis. Just as in meditation, as you relax, the details become fuzzy and you are less "critically-actively" involved, but you could recall the work as soon as your woke (sometimes this memory fades by the time you go to tell the story - as an unspoken dream sometimes does). Remember you are always in control and you can break from trance at any time. |
Her Vision for 2025
A workshop for women to create a compelling vision for the year to come.
Setting Goals, planning meaningful action, habit stacking, visualisation techniques, releasing limiting beliefs and creating a vision that will passively keep you true to course.
This interactive workshop will be insightful, relaxing, and fun!
Enjoy some visualisations, some reflective thinking, and a confident picture of yourself.
At the end of the workshop you will have new ways to see yourself and the start of a vision board for 2025.
Enjoy morning tea and lunch as we make this time for YOU! Book your place now!
Setting Goals, planning meaningful action, habit stacking, visualisation techniques, releasing limiting beliefs and creating a vision that will passively keep you true to course.
This interactive workshop will be insightful, relaxing, and fun!
Enjoy some visualisations, some reflective thinking, and a confident picture of yourself.
At the end of the workshop you will have new ways to see yourself and the start of a vision board for 2025.
Enjoy morning tea and lunch as we make this time for YOU! Book your place now!
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